Code of Conduct
Membership in the International Society of Amyloidosis (ISA) is a privilege open to all who are engaged in research, teaching or practice in connection with amyloidosis or with sciences allied therewith. Any person who is an amyloidosis patient or a family member or care partner of an amyloidosis patient is eligible for patient/care partner membership. All members are expected to adhere to ISA’s Code of Conduct, the current terms of which are set forth below. This Code of Conduct may be revised by ISA from time to time in its sole discretion (including with retroactive effect).
1. In interactions with research and professional communities:
- Adhere to community standards and journal policies regarding authorship, data availability, the disclosure of conflicts-of-interest, and service as editor or reviewer.
- Generate and disseminate knowledge with integrity and rigor. Actions such as falsifying data, plagiarism, and the failure to appropriately credit the contributions of others constitute unethical conduct.
- Report unethical or illegal research practices to the appropriate authorities, such as journal editors or university administration, when in a position to do so, and do not knowingly file false reports.
- Follow encouraging, constructive, inclusive, and respectful professional interactions and institutional practices. Unethical conduct such as harassment, discrimination, exclusion, bullying, retaliation, and abuse of power are unacceptable.
Members of ISA have the right to criticize their colleagues, but they must endeavor to do so without personal animus and without seeking to intimidate or coerce. Freedom of expression is crucial to the community of scientific practice, but such expression should not be used to bully or demean others.
2. In interactions with governments, institutions, and researchers:
- Comply with legal requirements and ethical guidelines designed to protect human subjects and protect the safety of all team members.
- Treat Indigenous and local communities with dignity and respect.
- Comply with all applicable regulations and agreements (including with sovereign Indigenous nations) regarding permitting, benefit sharing, reporting, and voucher specimens.
- Supply reports, specimens, and other specified services (e.g., seminars and training) as agreed upon in research authorizations.
3. In interactions with the public:
- Promote an accurate understanding of our discipline when engaging with the public.
- Ensure that the information presented is accurate and well-supported when offering professional commentary.
4. In interactions within Society events, discussion forums, meetings, social media and any programs:
- Treat all participants with kindness, respect and consideration, valuing a diversity of views and opinions (including those you may not share).
- Communicate openly, with respect for other participants. Constructive, respectful criticism of science is of course welcome.
- Refrain from demeaning, discriminatory, exclusionary or harassing behavior and speech directed toward other participants.
- Avoid behavior that is disruptive or unlawful. This includes knowingly or intentionally engaging in any behavior that disrupts or compromises the safety and security of the meeting or forum.
- Respect the rules and policies of any meeting venues, hotels, ISA-contracted facility, or any other venue.
Unacceptable Behavior:
Harassment, intimidation, or discrimination in any form is unacceptable behavior. Harassment includes speech or behavior that is demeaning or is personally offensive. Behavior that is acceptable to one person may not be acceptable to another, so use discretion and be certain to communicate respect. Harassment intended in a joking manner still constitutes unacceptable behavior.
Examples of unacceptable behavior include, but are not limited to:
- Physical or verbal abuse of any participant
- Unwelcome or offensive verbal comments or exclusionary behavior related to age, appearance or body size, employment or military status, ethnicity, gender identity and expression, individual lifestyle, marital status, national origin, physical or cognitive ability, political affiliation, sexual orientation, race, or religion
- Inappropriate physical contact or unwanted sexual attention
- Use of sexual or discriminatory images or similarly inappropriate statements, whether in jest or for other reasons, in public spaces or in presentations
- Deliberate and repeated intimidation, stalking, or following another person without consent or legitimate purpose
- Photographing, video- or audio-recording of another person without their consent, or after being asked to not photograph or record them, within the confines of ISA meeting spaces or event areas (Note: This does not apply to individuals contracted to provide video or photographic services to ISA during the meeting)
- Sustained or repeated disruption of talks or other events
- Theft or appropriation of goods or services of the meeting, the venue, or individuals
- Engaging in disruptive or disorderly behavior during the meeting, sessions, or social functions, including violent acts or threats of violence
- Bullying behavior
- Retaliation for reporting unacceptable behavior
ISA expects everyone receiving a request to stop unacceptable behavior to comply immediately.
Where we deem a situation as urgent or presenting an immediate danger, ISA, event management, or security personnel may take immediate action to protect the safety of the attendees or public. This may include removal from an event and being barred from further participation in any event proceedings, including sponsored social events.
Upon review of a reported incident or a complaint, in accordance with ISA established procedures, ISA reserves the right, among other possible actions, to remove and bar any person or persons from further participation in any event or meeting proceedings, including sponsored social events.
Further consequences may include, without limitation, prohibition from attending future meetings or events, participating in ISA programs, suspension of membership, or expulsion.
Reports involving discrimination or harassment may require sharing with an appropriate institutional authority as defined under US34 C.F.R. Part 106, (Title IX), or other applicable authorities, for follow-up action and investigation. Reports involving assault may require initiating a law enforcement response.
Incidents involving unlawful or other acts such as theft, disorderly behavior, or inappropriate actions that may cause harm to individuals or disrupt a meeting will result in an appropriate response, which may include, without limitation, removal and banning the actor from participation meetings and related or sponsored event proceedings.
Administrative actions taken in response to reported incidents and complaints under this policy, or any other actions pursuant to or arising from the procedures established by ISA for addressing reported incidents, are not exclusive of other remedies that victims can seek, including making reports to appropriate law enforcement agencies.
Nothing in this document is intended to, or shall, (i) limit ISA’s ability or right to take whatever action it deems fit or appropriate with regard to ISA membership, members, or its own operations or procedures (including without limitation the right to amend membership policies with retroactive effect); or (ii) alter, amend, or limit ISA’s full scope of powers, duties, or other right or ability to take actions as allowed by law, by its then-effective Bylaws or by other applicable authority.